Another Christmas has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to give up on the delicious spiciness that has become synonymous with the most recent festive season. Life’s too short to do anything but live it to the fullest, and that means spicing things up with some of our favorite essential oils. With how chilly things can get during the winter, it’s the perfect season to bring on the heat with some spicy essential oils.
Spices for Winter!
So, what are some of the spices you should add to your go-to list of spices? Sure, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger had the spotlight for a few months, but they aren’t the only ones worth paying attention to, especially in the winter. When it comes to creating some winter warmth, spices like Basil, Marjoram, Oregano, Rosemary, and Turmeric are perfect for adding a little excitement to those deary winter days. The scent of Basil has a complexity that could surprise you if you aren’t very familiar with this classic spice. It’s sweet, yet smokey, with minty notes and a vaguely anise-like scent. Basil is commonly found in Indian, Mediterranean, and Asian countries. Marjoram, a popular spice among the Greeks, is sweet and warming, with a spicy aroma that has a hint of nutmeg to it. It’s similar to Oregano, but has a softer, sweeter smell and taste. Speaking of Oregano, this powerfully scented spice has an aroma that is reminiscent of camphor. It’s quite potent, so care should always be used with this oil. Rosemary is another oil with a surprisingly complex scent. Its strong scent is fresh and woody, yet herbal and minty, with balsamic notes. Finally, Turmeric offers a sweet, woody aroma that contains notes of spice. Any one of these spices are great additions to your collection for the winter months, especially with how delicious they can be in soups.
National Soup Month
Did you know that January is National Soup Month? As if you didn’t have enough reasons to snuggle up with a bowl of your favorite soup! Love chicken soups? Try adding some Oregano, Marjoram, or Rosemary for a deeper, more complex flavor. Whether you opt for fresh or dried is up to you, though the dried ones tend to take less work, generally speaking, since you don’t usually have to do much work to prepare them. Just measure and sprinkle them in!
As an added bonus, if you go for the dried spices, you’ll probably find that they have a deeper, spicier flavor than the fresh ones. Pro tip: you usually don’t have to use as much of the dried spices as you do the fresh because dried spices tend to have a more powerful flavor, so start with 1/3 of the quantity of fresh spice when using dried and go from there (if it calls for 3 teaspoons of a fresh spice, use 1 teaspoon of dried spice instead). Just keep in mind that some spices change flavor if they’re dried. Dried Basil has a more minty flavor, as an example, which may not be what you’re going for.

Soup It Up
Speaking of Basil, it’s the perfect garnish for a tomato soup. There’s a reason why tomato basil soup is a thing, after all. The Basil adds depth and dimension to the flavor that would otherwise be lacking. It works well as a garnish for curry soups and other vegetable soups too.
Turmeric is a classic inclusion in curry soups, thanks to being a common ingredient in curry powder. You can use it in chicken soups or vegetable soups as well.
All sorts of spices can be great inclusions in various soups. At the end of the day, it’s all about your personal preferences and tastes. Dried or fresh, a little or a lot, it’s all up to you. Of course, if you had some of these spices on hand in their essential oil form and a little just happened to find its way into your soups, that wouldn’t be anything to worry about either.
Spices for Protection
What are your biggest complaints when it comes to falling ill with a cough or cold? For a lot of people, it’s the effects on the respiratory system. These days, it’s hard to feel like it’s okay to leave the house even with a sniffle, so if you’re craving some freshness in your air, you might try diffusing some Rosemary. Blend it with a bit of Oregano to take advantage of the natural carvacrol content. Sometimes referred to as “nature’s cure”, it’s a good essential oil to have in your arsenal during all seasons. If you want a premade remedy, try our Dragon’s Breath!
Spices have a plethora of uses. They’re incredibly versatile when it comes to cooking, make perfect additions to soups as either ingredients or garnishes, and some even offer different health benefits. Your health and wellbeing is precious. This fall season, treat yourself to some spicy essential oils for winter to add both some spice and protection to your life. You’ll be glad you did.