Scent Spotlight – Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer | Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer

You don’t have time to get sick! Not when life is picking up at break-neck speed with the onset of Spring. In fact, you’ve got to be at the top of your game for the foreseeable future. That is why you should always have a bottle of Nature’s Fusions hand sanitizer spray on you.

Need for Clean

The arrival of Spring feels like waking up from a cold-induced stupor. Your body thaws out, your “long winter’s nap” ends, and you suddenly have the energy to notice the grime that is pulsing with life in the shower and the piles of leaves blown across your yard. As the temperatures warm and blood begins coursing through your veins again, it is common to awake from the stupor of winter with the stark and sudden consciousness of the sheer bulk of things needing your attention. The school year is coming to a close, finals are looming, kids’ activities are picking back up, vacations and travels are mere weeks away, and you have a million things to do!

And it is still flu season.

Hand Sanitizer | Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer

Every Ingredient Counts

Nature’s Fusions hand sanitizer cleans, sanitizes, and hydrates your skin. Our hand sanitizer is also infused with essential oils. Unlike typical hand sanitizers, our hand sanitizer smells and feels great. Each ingredient in this amazing product was carefully selected to make the best hand sanitizer available.

Isopropyl Alcohol 70%

While higher concentrations of isopropyl alcohol are available, 70% actually sanitizes better. It may seem counterintuitive, but the extra water in 70% concentration allows the alcohol to penetrate into the bacterial cells and kill them more effectively. Also called rubbing alcohol, this compound is a powerful sanitizer that is safe for skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a fleshy, green, water-filled plant full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This popular plant moisturizes and improves skin elasticity. Aloe vera is one of nature’s safest, most potent healers when used topically.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful cleanser that kills bacteria, viruses, and even yeast and mold. Some medical professionals use small amounts of hydrogen peroxide on the skin to treat oxidative stress found there. Be aware, however, that the hydrogen peroxide in our hand sanitizer is highly diluted. It should never be used on your skin in its full strength.

Hand Sanitizer | Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer

Sodium Citrate

Sodium citrate is included for maintaining the proper pH-balance of the product.

Essential Oils!

Most importantly, our hand sanitizer is infused with essential oils. We currently offer three different options.

First, is our hand sanitizer infused with Dragon’s Breath. Dragon’s Breath is our popular essential oil blend created specifically for its protective and deodorizing properties. It contains Clove Bud, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint, and Oregano. This blend contains essential oils powerful enough to counteract the isopropyl alcohol smell that is so characteristic of typical hand sanitizers.

The second oil we have infused into our hand sanitizer is Lavender. Lavender is perfect if you want a fragrant, floral scented cleanser. Lavender is widely known for its calming properties, but it is great for the skin as well.

Finally, you can choose a hand sanitizer infused with Lemon essential oil. Lemon’s cheery smell can brighten any mood. Lemon is also a powerful hand cleanser, and it even clarifies the skin.

To Clean or Not to Clean​

The beauty of our hand sanitizer is that it isn’t just for hands. Because it comes in a convenient spray bottle, you can use it on all your germiest surfaces. Use it to sanitize your keyboard, mouse, phone, and even countertops. You can even take it with you on the go to disinfect shopping carts, restaurant tables and menus, work surfaces, and more.

You don’t have time to get sick right now. There is far too much to do. And yet, the germs that bring you down are lurking everywhere. With Nature’s Fusions Hand Sanitizer Spray, you can take care of those germs on your own terms. For the best protection available, get the 4-pack. That way, you can stash a bottle in your purse, in your car, at home, and at work.
