Make Your Home Smell Like Fall

Make Your Home Smell Like Fall

The air is crisp and cool. Frost has started to creep onto windows. Fallen leaves crunch underfoot, and those still left on trees show off brilliant reds, golds, and oranges. Fall is well underway, bringing with it some of the most iconic smells from pumpkin spice to apple cider. Oh, those fantastic fall smells are some of the most delightful, bringing comfort and joy to those who have the chance to enjoy them. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could bring those smells into your home whenever you want? As it turns out, you CAN make your home smell like fall.

Diffuse During Fall

Essential oils are created from a great variety of plants, which means that the variety of scents you can enjoy is also quite large. Because of that, you can use individual oils or create blends of them with which you can enjoy the scents of fall in your home. Diffusers are a classic way to enjoy the aroma of essential oils. All you need is some water and your favorite essential oils. Our AromaMist Diffuser uses ultrasonic technology to create a high-frequency vibration. This turns the oil and water into a fine, cool mist. If you want a natural spa-like atmosphere in your home, diffusing oils with our diffuser is definitely a good way to go.

While some people may turn to candles or air fresheners to scent their homes, diffusing essential oils is definitely the better way to go. While candles have some delightful scents, they have definite downsides. Candles must have heat, either with a wick and flame or straight heat on a melter. Let’s be honest, smoke is never a good thing to be inhaling, and that pesky flame always comes with risk (leaving it lit accidentally, kids or pets messing around). Air fresheners aren’t much better. Sure, you don’t need to worry about an open flame, but so many air fresheners require chemicals that you also don’t want to be breathing in, no matter how enticing the scent may be. By comparison, using an aromatherapy diffuser with essential oils doesn’t produce heat or smoke, can be left on all night (they will turn off when they are empty), and offers a non-toxic way to enjoy aromas. Because all you’re using are pure essential oils and water, there’s no question to who wins this one.

Essential Oils for Fall Diffusing

So, now that you’re convinced, what essential oils should you be diffusing this fall? Of course, if you have some favorite go-to oils or diffuser blends, whip ‘em out and head straight to good smelling. But if you want to beef up your diffuser use, then try out fall oils and blends specifically. All those popular spices and earthy tones that waft through the air do more than just smell good. What do they do, you ask? Fall scents bring warmth and protection, especially on days that are cold. That said, sniffle season is definitely upon us, and these fall blends are definitely worth adding to your collection for keeping your family safe from unwelcome guests. Our favorites include classic spices like Cinnamon Bark, Clove, and Nutmeg, earthly oils like Pine and Wintergreen, and our handmade blends Dragon’s Breath and Holiday Cheer.

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Best Fall Diffuser Blends

Let’s take a closer look at some of the best essential oils and blends to diffuse this fall.

Dragon’s Breath is our protective blend based on the recipe used by corpse robbers during the time of the plague. We’ve taken that recipe and improved on it using modern research to create one of our most popular blends. You can enjoy this protective scent by mixing it into cleaning solutions, hand soap, or hand sanitizer. And, of course, diffusing it is a great way to bring an extra level of protection into your home and enjoy the festivity of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Oregano.

If you’re looking for a scent that prompts warm holiday memories, Holiday Cheer is the blend to go for. It’s our spicy seasonal blend designed to bring to mind the smell of baking cookies, decorating fir trees, drinking spiced cider, and well, all around holiday cheer. This is a great essential oil diffuser blend to go for if you want to take advantage of the link between smell and memory.

Best Fall Essential Oils

Looking for something a little different? Try using a drop or two of essential oils derived from spices. Anise, cassia, turmeric, vetiver, the list goes on. But cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg are the crowd favorites we’d like to share with you.

Cinnamon Bark is a very warming essential oil, both in terms of its scent and its topical effect. It’s known for both this and its protective properties that has led lots of people to include it as an addition to cleaning mixtures. 2 drops in a diffuser will have guests wondering if there’s something cinnamonny cooking.

Clove is another deliciously spicy, and topically warming essential oil. It’s quite powerful, similarly to cinnamon bark, both of which should be used in a very small diffusion. It’s an excellent essential oil to diffuse or use topically, and is a classic fall scent, just like cinnamon bark. Just a few drops in the diffuser will fill your home with that full spice effect.

Nutmeg, yet another fall classic, keeps up the warming trend. It’s great for warming and revitalizing when used topically. Aromatically, it offers a spicy scent that is reminiscent of the spice, though it tends to be both richer and more fragrant. So just a drop or two will be enough to remind you of the smells of golden brown pies fresh out of the oven.

The scents of cooking spices aren’t the only way to bring the classic scents of the colder months into your home. Some classic scents are more reminiscent of nature than the kitchen. Such is the case with Pine. Like the other fall essential oils, Pine’s invigorating effect can be enjoyed through both topical application and diffusion. In fact, Pine essential oil is popularly used in saunas, steam baths, and bath and massage products.


If you love classic fall scents, it’s totally understandable to want to bring them into your home. The good news is that there are a lot of options that make it possible for you to do exactly that with a wide variety of deliciously scented essential oils. Diffuse some of your favorites this fall to bring comforting, protective warmth into your home whenever the mood strikes.
