Last Minute Christmas Shopping

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

While the most astute of us already have their gifts purchased, delivered, wrapped, and set under the tree—with bows, many of us have yet to even begin thinking about it! The holidays are so chock-full of yuletide cheer, we barely have time to grab a ham at Costco and blow out of there before getting sucked into the polar vortex of holiday shoppers! If you still haven’t gotten to your Christmas shopping, never fear! You still have time to make your list, check it twice, and show the people you love how much you care.

Last Chance to Shop Online

Yes, you still have time. But by time, we mean a day. Or maybe two! If you caught a glimpse of someone barreling past your house at 8pm last night and thought it was Rudolph, think again! It was definitely your friendly neighborhood, Christmas-season-over-time hard-working delivery person rocketing by to deliver the joy of the holidays far and wide. Postal workers are absolutely swamped this time of year. No long winter’s naps for them! FedEx, UPS, and USPS have now posted their last possible dates for packages to be delivered by Christmas. For reasonable prices, you will need to send your gifts no later than December 15. After that, you will have to pay out the nose for any yuletide procrastination! If you are having your gifts delivered by an online merchant, be sure to factor in processing time as well. What does this all mean? It is time to finish up your holiday shopping this week!

Not Much of a Gift Giver? Serve!

While many people are bustling about with their holiday shopping, others prefer a quieter approach. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “The only true gift is a portion of thyself.” You know exactly what he meant when you remember the times that someone served you in a personal, meaningful way. One beloved Christmas story that has been told for centuries is that of Nicholas of Patara. Nicholas grew up in a wealthy home and was taught early to care for the poor. After his parents died while he was yet a young man, he dedicated his inheritance and his life to caring for the needy and downtrodden. While Nicholas’ actual life of good deeds, service, and special love for children has been mixed with legend, Nicholas, who was canonized a saint in 1446, continues to warm people’s hearts worldwide as they strive to emulate his selflessness at Christmastime. The beauty about service is that it doesn’t have to be big to be significant and convey love. Go caroling and spread the joys of Christmas to the homebound. Deliver goodies to your neighbors. Shovel the driveway for your elderly acquaintances. Deliver food to tired new parents. Play Santa for underprivileged children. If everyone you know has everything they could ever want, donate time or money to a favorite charity in their name. At Christmastime, service opportunities are never farther away than your nearest neighbors or local storefront.

Fun Christmas Present Ideas

If you can’t think of what to get your fussy neighbor, your best friend who has everything, or your mom who swears she only wants a nice card, it is time to pull out the essential oils. Essential oils are a versatile, personal gift that everyone can enjoy. No need to fear sending your neighbor into anaphylactic shock with your world-famous peanut butter balls. No worries that your best guess at your friend’s clothing size will have her leaving in a huff. No carting around all over town trying to find something different for everyone on your list. You can gift a single oil, or you can make a scent-themed basket stuffed with self-care items that compliment one or two essential oils, such as a luffa, lotion, diffuser sticks, and bubble bath. For a personal touch, use holiday scented oils such as Holiday Cheer, Crystal Breath, and Dragon’s Breath to make your own gifts. Whip up some body butter, concoct a sugar scrub, make your own scented bath salts, or create beautiful, aromatic bars of soap. For the kids, cook up a batch of colorful and perfumed playdough. The possibilities are virtually limitless, but with essential oils, you can’t go wrong.  

If you are at a loss for what to give your friends and neighbors this year, you are in luck! Nature’s Fusions Essential Oils are the perfect gift for anyone, and many popular holiday scents are on sale right now. But don’t wait, the Christmas Countdown is getting lower every day!
